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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Videos of dentistry. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, 7 de marzo de 2024

What is odontogenic infection? - Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment


Odontogenic infections are those that begin in the oral cavity, generally from dental caries, but also from periodontal pathology.

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PDF 🔽 Odontogenic infection in facial spaces - Pharmacological and surgical management in pediatric patients ... Infections that affect the head and neck are generally of odontogenic origin, and have a rapid evolution that put the patient's life at risk. Treatment must be immediate and in many cases multidisciplinary

Odontogenic infections can spread through the bone and affect structures far from the oral cavity such as the neck region. These infections can occur in both children and adults, and the dentist must be familiar with the management and treatment to avoid serious consequences.


Learn about the complications, diagnosis and symptoms of odontogenic infections and the most effective treatment.

📌 Recommended Article :
PDF 🔽 Ludwig's angina in a pediatric patient - Case report (diagnosis, symptoms and treatment) ... Ludwig's angina is a severe and life-threatening infectious process with rapid progression. It is common in adults but can occur in children with suppressed immunity

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👉 "Odontogenic Infection. Review of the Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, Complications and Treatment" 👈

Ortiz R, Espinoza V (2021) Odontogenic Infection. Review of the Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, Complications and Treatment. Res Rep Oral Maxillofac Surg 5:055. 3907/1710055

📌 Watch video: "Management of Odontogenic Infections: 6 Effective Treatments"

Youtube/ World Of Dentistry

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lunes, 8 de enero de 2024

What is Ludwig's Angina? What are the symptoms and treatment?

Ludwig's Angina

Dental caries is a disease that affects children and adults, and its presence affects the dental structure. When this progress is not stopped, it can put the general health and life of the patient at risk.

📌 Recommended Article :
PDF 🔽 Management of acute orofacial infection of odontogenic origin in children - PDF Guide ... This infection can invade different neighboring anatomical spaces, compromising the general health of the pediatric patient

Ludwig's angina is a serious infectious process and its treatment is based on clinical, pharmacological and surgical management.


Learn what Ludwig's angina is, its etiology, the symptoms that we should take into account, and the effective treatment (pharmacological and surgical).

📌 Recommended Article :
Article PDF 🔽 Odontogenic facial cellulitis in a pediatric patient - Diagnosis, treatment and multidisciplinary management ... Facial cellulitis is an infectious process, usually odontogenic, that puts the life of the pediatric patient at serious risk if it does not have the appropriate treatment

📌 Read and download the article in PDF:

👉 "A Severe Case of Ludwig’s Angina with a Complicated Clinical Course" 👈

Kovalev V (April 16, 2020) A Severe Case of Ludwig’s Angina with a Complicated Clinical Course. Cureus 12(4): e7695. DOI 10.7759/cureus.7695

📌 Watch video: "Ludwig Angina: An Airway Emergency"

Youtube / Larry B. Mellick, MD

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Odontogenic Infection in Pediatric Dentistry: Facial Cellulitis, Ludwig's Angina - Diagnosis, clinical and pharmacological management
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lunes, 11 de diciembre de 2023

Oral lesions in neonates, children and adolescents. Characteristics, diagnosis and treatment

Oral pathology

Oral lesions in newborns can affect hard and soft tissues, and can be part of a systemic condition, which is why it is of great interest to the neonatologist, pediatrician, and pediatric dentist.

📌 Recommended Article :
Video 🔽 Frequent oral pathologies in the newborn - Diagnosis and treatment (cysts, infections, tumors) ... Some of the pathologies can cause limitations in feeding and in the development of the baby, so it is necessary to explain and guide the parents about the alterations found, the repercussions and the appropriate treatment

Clinical knowledge of injuries helps us make a timely diagnosis and effective treatment, in addition to correct advice to parents.


Learn about the clinical characteristics, diagnosis and management of oral lesions that occur most frequently in neonates, children and adolescents. Information in PDF and video

📌 Recommended Article :
Article PDF 🔽 Odontogenic facial cellulitis in a pediatric patient - Diagnosis, treatment and multidisciplinary management ... Facial cellulitis is an infectious process, usually odontogenic, that puts the life of the pediatric patient at serious risk if it does not have the appropriate treatment

📌 Read and download the article in PDF:

👉 "Oral Pathology in Paediatric Patients" 👈

: Shah S (2018) Oral Pathology in Paediatric Patients. J Neonatol Clin Pediatr 5: 022


Youtube / Oral Pathology 360

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miércoles, 8 de noviembre de 2023

Characteristics, diagnosis and treatment of common oral disorders in newborns

Oral pathology

The oral cavity of newborns can present lesions and alterations in the oral cavity that cause concern to their parents and that can also put the growth and development of the newborn at risk.

📌 Recommended Article :
Article PDF 🔽 Guide for the surgical management and oral pathology of the pediatric patient ... Some of the pathologies that we can frequently find in children that need surgical procedures are: supernumerary and impacted teeth, congenital cysts, mucoceles

Health professionals must know and recognize the characteristics of the different lesions that newborns present in the oral cavity so that they can adequately advise parents.


We share the clinical characteristics, diagnosis and treatments of the oral lesions and conditions that occur most frequently in newborns. Information in PDF and video

📌 Recommended Article :
Article PDF 🔽 Neonatal tooth with Riga-Fede disease affecting breastfeeding: A case report ... Neonatal teeth generate an ulcer in the sublingual region, and it is known as Riga-Fede disease. Breastfeeding is compromised by the discomfort generated by the ulcer

📌 Read and download the article in PDF:

👉 "Diagnosis and management of oral lesions and conditions in the newborn" 👈

WFP Van Heerden & AW Van Zyl (2010) Diagnosis and management of oral lesions and conditions in the newborn, South African Family Practice, 52:6, 489-491, DOI:10.1080/20786204.2010.10874032


Youtube/ Oral Pathology 360

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viernes, 3 de noviembre de 2023

Zirconia crowns in pediatric dentistry: Clinical considerations and step-by-step procedure

Zirconia crowns

Early childhood caries destroys children's dental tissue, especially the upper incisors, putting the patient's aesthetics, chewing, phonation, and social development at risk.

📌 Recommended Article :
Video 🔽 Step-by-step preparation of molars and primary incisors for Zirconia crowns ... The greatest benefit of Zirconia crowns is aesthetics, compared to stainless steel crowns. At the time of preparation, a series of considerations must be taken by the pediatric dentist

Currently there are several aesthetic alternatives for the oral rehabilitation of pediatric patients, such as direct resins, celluloid crowns or zirconia crowns.


Learn about the indications and contraindications of zirconia crowns in pediatric dentistry, in addition to the clinical considerations and protocol for successful implementation of the crowns. Information in PDF and video

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Article PDF 🔽 Anterior dental esthetics in primary teeth - Oral Rehabilitation ... Primary teeth can be affected by bottle tooth decay, or by hypoplastic defects, and in some cases by bruxism

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👉 "Clinical considerations for preformed zirconia crowns in early childhood caries: A case series and review of literature" 👈

Rajesh Hemant Bariker, Jorge Casián-Adem, Ivonne Segovia. Clinical considerations for preformed zirconia crowns in early childhood caries: A case series and review of literature. Contemp Pediatr Dent 2022:3(1):24-34

📌 Watch video: "Zirconia crowns for anterior pediatric restoration"

Youtube/ Magnus Group LLC

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viernes, 27 de octubre de 2023

What is dental abscess? - Causes, diagnosis and treatment

Oral medicine

The progression of caries destroys the tooth structure and compromises the pulp, spreading the infection to the alveolar bone. The infectious process causes excruciating pain and requires immediate treatment.

📌 Recommended Article :
Video - PDF 🔽 Dental abscess, facial cellulitis and Ludwig's Angina in a pediatric patient - Diagnosis and treatment ... We share a complete list of clinical cases, scientific articles, videos on the diagnosis, surgical and pharmacological treatment of odontogenic infections in pediatric patients

Tooth abscess presents several signs and symptoms, the main ones being: intense pain when chewing, swelling, accumulation of pus and general discomfort.


Learn about the definition, causes, diagnosis, symptoms, clinical and pharmacological management of dental abscess in children and adults.

📌 Recommended Article :
Article PDF 🔽 Odontogenic facial cellulitis in a pediatric patient - Medical-dental management considerations ... In the initial stages, cellulite is of a soft consistency, in advanced stages it is hardened. The infant's immune system is diminished, so it is necessary to control and eliminate the causative agent

📌 Read and download the article in PDF 1:

👉 "Management of Oral Parafunctional Habits: A Case Report" 👈

Compiled by the GOSH web team in collaboration with the Child and Family Information Group Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust, Great Ormond Street, London WC1N 3JH

📌 Watch video 1 "Dental abscess - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology"

Youtube/ Ósmosis

📌 Watch video 2 "What is an Abscessed Tooth & What To Do About It "

Youtube/ Ósmosis

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miércoles, 18 de octubre de 2023

Pulpotomy and pulpectomy procedures. Indications and Differences

Oral Cancer

Pulpotomy and pulpectomy are treatments performed on primary teeth that are affected by deep caries and that compromise the dental pulp.

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VIDEO 🔽 What is the difference between apexogenesis and apexification? ... In the presence of an open apex, apexogenesis (apicoformation) or apexification can be used. Both treatments have differences that will be resolved with the video that we show below.

Clinical and radiological evaluation are necessary to determine appropriate treatment. Pulpectomy is recommended when it is necessary to completely remove the affected dental pulp, and pulpotomy partially removes the dental pulp.


We share the similarities, differences, indications, contraindications and step-by-step procedures of pulpotomy and pulpectomy.

📌 Recommended Article :
Video 🔽 Pulpectomy: Clinical Tips and Tricks in Paediatric Dentistry ... Pulpectomy is performed when there is an infectious process (fistula or abscess), chronic inflammation, or pulp necrosis


Youtube / Dr Teeth


Youtube / Top Doctors UK

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