lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2022

How to treat anaphylaxis in children? - Clinical manifestations and treatment


Anaphylaxis is a severe and life-threatening allergic reaction in response to an allergen. The response is diverse and can range from skin manifestations to cardiovascular or respiratory disorders.

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The clinical picture must be recognized in order to take immediate action and avoid serious consequences. In dentistry, a picture of anaphylaxis may occur due to contact with a drug or an allergenic agent such as latex.


We share important information about the clinical picture of anaphylaxis, the preventive attitude and the appropriate treatment for a pediatric patient in dentistry.

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Cheng A. Emergency treatment of anaphylaxis in infants and children. Paediatr Child Health. 2011 Jan;16(1):35-40. PMID: 22211074; PMCID: PMC3043023.

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