jueves, 7 de julio de 2022

Odontogenic Infection in Pediatric Dentistry: Facial Cellulitis, Ludwig's Angina - Diagnosis, clinical and pharmacological management

Odontogenic Infection

Odontogenic infections affect dental and periodontal structures and are the main cause of dental consultation. Untreated infections can be life-threatening.

Odontogenic infections are rapidly evolving, spreading to various regions of the face and neck. Care must be immediate and effective, and in many cases hospitalization is required.


We share a series of articles on odontogenic infections in pediatric dentistry, diagnosis, clinical manifestations, pharmacological and surgical management.

馃幆Scientific Articles, PDF Articles, videos and more about odontogenic infections in pediatric dentistry below

馃搶Odontogenic infection

Management of acute orofacial infection of odontogenic origin in children - Diagnosis, clinic and pharmacology

Antimicrobial therapies for odontogenic infections in children and adolescents

Facial swelling in a pediatric patient - Causes, clinical and radiological manifestations

Odontogenic infection in facial spaces - Pharmacological and surgical management in pediatric patients

馃搶Face Cellulite

Odontogenic facial cellulitis in a pediatric patient - Diagnosis, treatment and multidisciplinary management

馃搶Ludwig's angina

Ludwig's Angina. Presentation of a pediatric case


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