Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Oral Surgery. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Oral Surgery. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, 2 de agosto de 2024

Oral cysts in newborns: Characteristics, diagnosis and treatment

Oral cysts

Oral mucosal cysts in newborns are classified according to their origin and location. In the case of neonates, oral alterations are difficult to detect by the clinician.

📌 Recommended Article :
Video 🔽 Formation and development of the face and oral cavity (Orofacial Complex) ... The formation of the face starts from the five prominences (one frontonasal, two maxillary and two mandibular). The prominences develop giving rise to different regions of the face

Diagnosis and treatment is necessary to prevent alterations from intervening in normal functions such as complex sucking, swallowing and phonation.


We share a list of cases of oral cysts in newborns, detailing the characteristics, diagnosis and treatment.

📌 Recommended Article :
PDF 🔽 Guide for the surgical management and oral pathology of the pediatric patient ... Some of the pathologies that we can frequently find in children that need surgical procedures are: supernumerary and impacted teeth, congenital cysts, mucoceles

📌 Read and download the article in PDF 1 :

👉 "Gingival Cyst of Newborn" 👈

Gingival Cyst of Newborn. Aman Moda. 10.5005/jp-journals-10005-1087.

📌 Read and download the article in PDF 2 :

👉 "Exuberant Upper Gum Lesions in a Neonate" 👈

Exuberant Upper Gum Lesions in a Neonate. J Pediatr 2013;163:1521.. Vol. 163, No. 5

📌 Read and download the article in PDF 3 :

👉 "Dental lamina cyst in the newborn" 👈

Dental lamina cyst in the newborn. Deepak Sharma, Jaivinder Yadav, Eva Garg, Hanish Bajaj. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 2015: 44(4): 236-237

📌 Read and download the article in PDF 4 :

👉 "Unusual symptomatic inclusion cysts in a newborn: a case report" 👈

Marini et al.: Unusual symptomatic inclusion cysts in a newborn: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports 2014 8:314.

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lunes, 18 de marzo de 2024

Malformations and anomalies of the branchial arches - Diagnosis and management

Oral medicine

The branchial or pharyngeal arches are slits that are located on both sides of the embryo, and from them originate the muscles, bones, cartilage and nerves of the face, head and neck.

📌 Recommended Article :
Video 🔽 Formation and development of the face and oral cavity (Orofacial Complex) ... The formation of the face starts from the five prominences (one frontonasal, two maxillary and two mandibular). The prominences develop giving rise to different regions of the face

During the process of growth and development of tissues, alterations may occur that lead to sinuses, fistulas or cysts. The location of the alteration determines which branchial arch it belongs to.


Learn what the alterations and malformations of the branchial arches are, detailing the clinical management and treatment.

📌 Recommended Article :
PDF 🔽 Guide for the surgical management and oral pathology of the pediatric patient ... Some of the pathologies that we can frequently find in children that need surgical procedures are: supernumerary and impacted teeth, congenital cysts, mucoceles

📌 Read and download the article in PDF 1 :

👉 "First and second branchial arch syndromes: multimodality approach" 👈

Senggen E, Laswed T, Meuwly JY, Maestre LA, Jaques B, Meuli R, Gudinchet F. First and second branchial arch syndromes: multimodality approach. Pediatr Radiol. 2011 May;41(5):549-61. doi: 10.1007/s00247-010-1831-3. Epub 2010 Oct 6. PMID: 20924574.

📌 Read and download the article in PDF 2 :

👉 "Management of congenital third branchial arch anomalies: A systematic review" 👈

Nicoucar K, Giger R, Jaecklin T, Pope HG Jr, Dulguerov P. Management of congenital third branchial arch anomalies: a systematic review. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2010 Jan;142(1):21-28.e2. doi: 10.1016/j.otohns.2009.09.001. Epub 2009 Nov 25. PMID: 20096218.

📌 Read and download the article in PDF 3 :

👉 "Management of congenital fourth branchial arch anomalies: a review and analysis of published cases" 👈

Nicoucar K, Giger R, Pope HG Jr, Jaecklin T, Dulguerov P. Management of congenital fourth branchial arch anomalies: a review and analysis of published cases. J Pediatr Surg. 2009 Jul;44(7):1432-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2008.12.001. PMID: 19573674.

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jueves, 7 de marzo de 2024

What is odontogenic infection? - Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment


Odontogenic infections are those that begin in the oral cavity, generally from dental caries, but also from periodontal pathology.

📌 Recommended Article :
PDF 🔽 Odontogenic infection in facial spaces - Pharmacological and surgical management in pediatric patients ... Infections that affect the head and neck are generally of odontogenic origin, and have a rapid evolution that put the patient's life at risk. Treatment must be immediate and in many cases multidisciplinary

Odontogenic infections can spread through the bone and affect structures far from the oral cavity such as the neck region. These infections can occur in both children and adults, and the dentist must be familiar with the management and treatment to avoid serious consequences.


Learn about the complications, diagnosis and symptoms of odontogenic infections and the most effective treatment.

📌 Recommended Article :
PDF 🔽 Ludwig's angina in a pediatric patient - Case report (diagnosis, symptoms and treatment) ... Ludwig's angina is a severe and life-threatening infectious process with rapid progression. It is common in adults but can occur in children with suppressed immunity

📌 Read and download the article in PDF :

👉 "Odontogenic Infection. Review of the Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, Complications and Treatment" 👈

Ortiz R, Espinoza V (2021) Odontogenic Infection. Review of the Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, Complications and Treatment. Res Rep Oral Maxillofac Surg 5:055. 3907/1710055

📌 Watch video: "Management of Odontogenic Infections: 6 Effective Treatments"

Youtube/ World Of Dentistry

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lunes, 19 de febrero de 2024

Mucocele in Pediatric Dentistry: Clinical and pathological characteristics


Mucocele is a benign lesion that occurs in the oral mucosa and is the product of an alteration in the minor salivary glands. It is recognized as a swelling with mucous content, well circumscribed, and bluish in color.

📌 Recommended Article :
PDF 🔽 Marsupialization of a large mandibular cyst in a pediatric patient - Clinical Case ... Various techniques are used to surgically remove the mandibular cyst, enucleation when the cyst is small, or marsupialization when it is large

The presence of a mucocele may be due to trauma or ductal obstruction. The treatment is surgical and anesthesia is local, but depending on the behavior of the pediatric patient it can be performed with general anesthesia.


Let's know the clinical and pathological characteristics of salivary mucocele in children and adolescents.

📌 Recommended Article :
PDF 🔽 Surgical excision of mucocele with local anesthesia in an 8-month-old baby ... We share the case of the surgical removal of a mucocele in an 08-month-old baby under local anesthesia

📌 Read and download the article in PDF 1:

👉 "Salivary Mucoceles in Children and Adolescents: A Clinicopathological Study" 👈

Poulopoulos A, Andreadis D, Parcharidis E, Grivea I, Syrogiannopoulos G, et al. (2017) Salivary Mucoceles in Children and Adolescents: A Clinicopathological Study. Glob J Medical Clin Case Rep 4(1): 011-014. DOI: 10.17352/2455-5282.000035

📌 Read and download the article in PDF 2:


Lewandowski B, Brodowski R, Pakla P, Makara A, Stopyra W, Startek B. Mucoceles of minor salivary glands in children. Own clinical observations. Dev Period Med. 2016;20(3):235-242. PMID: 27941195.

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lunes, 12 de febrero de 2024

Appropriate use of antibiotics in pediatric odontogenic infections


Oral infections in pediatric patients can trigger a severe septic condition that can put the patient's life at risk. The appropriate use of antibiotics is effective in the treatment of oral infections of odontogenic origin.

📌 Recommended Article :
PDF 🔽 Antimicrobial therapies for odontogenic infections in children and adolescents ... Odontogenic infections can arise from caries or a periodontal problem, sometimes they can be due to dental trauma or iatrogenesis

Knowledge of antibiotic pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics prevents resistance and adverse drug reactions. In addition, we must take a correct anamnesis to avoid allergic processes.


We share updated information on the appropriate use of antibiotics in infectious processes of odontogenic origin in pediatric patients.

📌 Recommended Article :
PDF 🔽 Odontogenic facial cellulitis in a pediatric patient - Medical-dental management considerations ... The infant's immune system is diminished, so it is necessary to control and eliminate the causative agent

📌 Read and download the article in PDF:

👉 "Use of Antibiotic Therapy for Pediatric Dental Patients" 👈

American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Use of antibiotic therapy for pediatric dental patients. The Reference Manual of Pediatric Dentistry. Chicago, Ill.: American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry; 2023:537-41.

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What is dental abscess? - Causes, diagnosis and treatment
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lunes, 8 de enero de 2024

What is Ludwig's Angina? What are the symptoms and treatment?

Ludwig's Angina

Dental caries is a disease that affects children and adults, and its presence affects the dental structure. When this progress is not stopped, it can put the general health and life of the patient at risk.

📌 Recommended Article :
PDF 🔽 Management of acute orofacial infection of odontogenic origin in children - PDF Guide ... This infection can invade different neighboring anatomical spaces, compromising the general health of the pediatric patient

Ludwig's angina is a serious infectious process and its treatment is based on clinical, pharmacological and surgical management.


Learn what Ludwig's angina is, its etiology, the symptoms that we should take into account, and the effective treatment (pharmacological and surgical).

📌 Recommended Article :
Article PDF 🔽 Odontogenic facial cellulitis in a pediatric patient - Diagnosis, treatment and multidisciplinary management ... Facial cellulitis is an infectious process, usually odontogenic, that puts the life of the pediatric patient at serious risk if it does not have the appropriate treatment

📌 Read and download the article in PDF:

👉 "A Severe Case of Ludwig’s Angina with a Complicated Clinical Course" 👈

Kovalev V (April 16, 2020) A Severe Case of Ludwig’s Angina with a Complicated Clinical Course. Cureus 12(4): e7695. DOI 10.7759/cureus.7695

📌 Watch video: "Ludwig Angina: An Airway Emergency"

Youtube / Larry B. Mellick, MD

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Odontogenic Infection in Pediatric Dentistry: Facial Cellulitis, Ludwig's Angina - Diagnosis, clinical and pharmacological management
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viernes, 27 de octubre de 2023

What is dental abscess? - Causes, diagnosis and treatment

Oral medicine

The progression of caries destroys the tooth structure and compromises the pulp, spreading the infection to the alveolar bone. The infectious process causes excruciating pain and requires immediate treatment.

📌 Recommended Article :
Video - PDF 🔽 Dental abscess, facial cellulitis and Ludwig's Angina in a pediatric patient - Diagnosis and treatment ... We share a complete list of clinical cases, scientific articles, videos on the diagnosis, surgical and pharmacological treatment of odontogenic infections in pediatric patients

Tooth abscess presents several signs and symptoms, the main ones being: intense pain when chewing, swelling, accumulation of pus and general discomfort.


Learn about the definition, causes, diagnosis, symptoms, clinical and pharmacological management of dental abscess in children and adults.

📌 Recommended Article :
Article PDF 🔽 Odontogenic facial cellulitis in a pediatric patient - Medical-dental management considerations ... In the initial stages, cellulite is of a soft consistency, in advanced stages it is hardened. The infant's immune system is diminished, so it is necessary to control and eliminate the causative agent

📌 Read and download the article in PDF 1:

👉 "Management of Oral Parafunctional Habits: A Case Report" 👈

Compiled by the GOSH web team in collaboration with the Child and Family Information Group Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust, Great Ormond Street, London WC1N 3JH

📌 Watch video 1 "Dental abscess - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology"

Youtube/ Ósmosis

📌 Watch video 2 "What is an Abscessed Tooth & What To Do About It "

Youtube/ Ósmosis

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miércoles, 13 de septiembre de 2023

Post-extraction care for wisdom teeth - Tips and recommendations

Oral Surgery

When wisdom teeth do not have enough space to emerge properly it can cause inflammation, pain and infection. In these cases, the wisdom tooth (third molar) must be extracted.

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VIDEO 🔽 What is a dry socket? All you need to know ... Dry socket is the inflammation of the dental alveolus, and it happens after a post-extraction dental complication, it is very painful, and infrequent, but with the right treatment it disappears in a few days

The procedure is outpatient, and the patient must comply with the pre- and post-operative recommendations. These recommendations aim to avoid some complications such as hemorrhages and alveolitis.


Post-operative care is important, which is why we share some tips and recommendations to avoid complications after wisdom tooth extraction.

📌 Recommended Article :
VIDEO 🔽 Tooth Extraction: Post-Surgical Care and Tips ... The professional should talk with the patient about the care that he should have to avoid complications after the surgical procedure

📌 Watch video " Post-extraction care for wisdom teeth - Tips"

Youtube/ Medinaz

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sábado, 24 de junio de 2023

How to manage dental infections? - Specific pharmacological treatment

dental infections

Various types of infections (caries, gingivitis, periodontitis, etc.) can originate in the oral cavity, all of them of different severity. In some cases they can put the patient's life at risk and require hospital care.

📌 Recommended Article :
Video - PDF 🔽 Dental abscess, facial cellulitis and Ludwig's Angina in a pediatric patient - Diagnosis and treatment ... We share a complete list of clinical cases, scientific articles, videos on the diagnosis, surgical and pharmacological treatment of odontogenic infections in pediatric patients

The dentist must recognize the symptoms, the clinical and pharmacological management of odontogenic infections, in order to act immediately and thus avoid the aggravation of the conditions.


Let us know the causative agents of odontogenic infections and the clinical management and specific pharmacological treatment for each of them.

📌 Recommended Article :
Article PDF 🔽 Odontogenic facial cellulitis in a pediatric patient - Medical-dental management considerations ... In the initial stages, cellulite is of a soft consistency, in advanced stages it is hardened. The infant's immune system is diminished, so it is necessary to control and eliminate the causative agent

📌 Read and download the article in PDF:

👉 "How are odontogenic infections best managed?" 👈

J Can Dent Assoc 2010;76:a37

📌 Watch video "Oral Medicine | Pain & Infection Management"

Youtube/ Mental Dental

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miércoles, 7 de junio de 2023

Manual of extraction techniques in pediatric dentistry - Step by step

Oral surgery

Tooth extraction is a routine treatment in the pediatric dentist's office. This procedure is performed when the tooth presents a deep caries and impossible reconstruction, fracture due to trauma, eruptive problems.

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Article PDF 🔽 Manual of Local Anesthesia - Anesthetic techniques and anatomical references ... The professional must know the appropriate administration technique for the dental procedure, the anatomical references, and the recommended dose for the patient

The characteristics of the primary teeth and the presence of the germs of the permanent teeth must be taken into account when performing a dental extraction.


We share an article that shows us the anatomical considerations and the appropriate surgical technique when extracting teeth in pediatric patients.

📌 Recommended Article :
Article PDF 🔽 Guide for the surgical management and oral pathology of the pediatric patient ... Some of the pathologies that we can frequently find in children that need surgical procedures are: supernumerary and impacted teeth, congenital cysts, mucoceles

📌 Read and download the article in PDF : Extraction of Primary Dentition From Handbook of Clinical Techniques in Pediatric Dentistry

Chapter 8: Extraction of Primary Dentition From Handbook of Clinical Techniques in Pediatric Dentistry. Edited by Jane A. Soxman

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sábado, 20 de mayo de 2023

What is frenectomy? Step by step surgical procedure


In the oral cavity we can find two types of frenulum: the lingual and the labial. The alterations of the braces can cause aesthetic and phonetic problems. Treatment is sometimes multidisciplinary: pediatric dentist and speech therapist.

📌 Recommended Article :
Article PDF 🔽 Oral Surgery: Use of laser in lingual frenectomy in pediatric patients ... We share an interesting clinical case of a 7-year-old girl referred by the orthodontist for a lingual frenectomy

The frenectomy is performed under local anesthesia and has a short postoperative period without major complications. This surgical procedure can be performed on pediatric and adult patients.


We share complete information about frenectomy, effectiveness and the step-by-step procedure regarding a clinical case. In addition to the case of a laser frenectomy in pediatric patients.

📌 Watch video "What is a Frenectomy?"

Youtube/ Joseph R Nemeth DDS

📌 Read and download the article in PDF 1:

👉 "Surgical techniques for the treatment of ankyloglossia in children: a case series" 👈

Junqueira MA, Cunha NN, Costa e Silva LL, Araújo LB, Moretti AB, Couto Filho CE, Sakai VT. Surgical techniques for the treatment of ankyloglossia in children: a case series. J Appl Oral Sci. 2014 Jun;22(3):241-8. doi: 10.1590/1678-775720130629. PMID: 25025566; PMCID: PMC4072276.

📌 Read and download the article in PDF 2:

👉 "Frenectomy for the Correction of Ankyloglossia: A Review of Clinical Effectiveness and Guidelines" 👈

Frenectomy for the Correction of Ankyloglossia: A Review of Clinical Effectiveness and Guidelines [Internet]. Ottawa (ON): Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health; 2016 Jun 15. PMID: 27403491.

📌 Read and download the article in PDF 3:

👉 "Treatment of ankyloglossia with dental laser in paediatric patients: Scoping review and a case report" 👈

Garrocho-Rangel A, Herrera-Badillo D, Pérez-Alfaro I, Fierro-Serna V, Pozos-Guillén A. Treatment of ankyloglossia with dental laser in paediatric patients: Scoping review and a case report. Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2019 Jun;20(2):155-163. doi: 10.23804/ejpd.2019.20.02.15. PMID: 31246095.

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jueves, 27 de abril de 2023

What are impacted canines? - Treatment

impacted canines

The canines are characterized by having a long, single and robust root. They play an important role in facial contour and occlusal harmony.

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Watch the video 🔽 ORTHODONTICS : Serial extraction of primary teeth ... This procedure is part of an orthodontic planning, in which there must previously be a series of studies to decide which pieces are going to have to be extracted

Impacted canines is a common anomaly, and is especially seen in the maxilla. The cause of the retention of the canine should be evaluated clinically and radiographically.


We share a video that defines us and explains the causes and treatment of impacted canines.

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📌 Watch the video "Braces and Impacted Canines"

Youtube/ Braces Explained

viernes, 24 de marzo de 2023

What is pericoronitis? Causes, symptoms and treatment


Pericoronitis is an inflammation of the soft tissue that covers or surrounds a tooth that is in the process of eruption. This condition can occur in primary, mixed and permanent dentition.

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Watch the video 🔽 What You Should Know About Pericoronitis ... The patient presents with chewing pain, bad breath, inflammation of the gums and in some cases bleeding in the inflamed area.

By partially erupting, the soft tissue can accumulate food and bacteria that are difficult to remove. When the soft tissue becomes inflamed, it causes pain when chewing.


Pericoronitis must be treated in time to avoid more serious infectious processes. Learn about the definition, causes, symptoms and treatment of pericoronitis.

📌 More recommended items

Webinar - Minor Oral Surgery in Pediatric Dentistry
Guide for the surgical management and oral pathology of the pediatric patient
Tooth Extraction Aftercare Tips

📌 Watch the video "Pericoronitis Treatment | Causes & Symptoms"

Youtube/ Dr Teeth

viernes, 27 de enero de 2023

Tooth extractions in orthodontics? - Why Do Orthodontists Extract Teeth?


Before carrying out an orthodontic treatment, a correct diagnosis is essential, and for this, radiographs (cephalometric and panoramic), clinical examination, photographs, and study models are used.

📌 Recommended Article:
Watch the video 🔽 ORTHODONTICS : Serial extraction of primary teeth ... Serial extraction is the planned dental extraction of primary and permanent teeth in order to alleviate dental crowding.

Once the analysis is finished, the type of treatment that the patient will receive is determined, and sometimes it is recommended to perform dental extractions. The patient must be informed about the importance of dental extractions.


Tooth extractions are part of the orthodontic procedure, and it is important that the patient knows the reasons and the importance of this procedure.

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📌 Watch the video "Tooth extractions in orthodontics? - Why Do Orthodontists Extract Teeth? "

Youtube/ Premier Orthodontics

martes, 10 de enero de 2023

Ludwig's angina in a pediatric patient - Case report (diagnosis, symptoms and treatment)

Ludwig's angina

Ludwig's angina is a severe and life-threatening infectious process with rapid progression. It is common in adults but can occur in children with suppressed immunity.

📌 Recommended Article :
Article PDF 🔽 Ludwig's Angina. Presentation of a pediatric case ... It is important to recognize Ludwig's angina in the earlier stages of the disease to prevent complications.

Clinically, a painful, diffuse inflammation can be seen, making it difficult to speak and swallow. The patient with Ludwig's angina requires hospitalization and treatment with specific antibiotics.


We share the case of a pediatric patient with Ludwig's Angina, and a bibliographic review of the infection in children.

📌 Download the article in PDF :

👉 READ AND DOWNLOAD THE ARTICLE "Ludwig's angina in a pediatric patient - Case report" IN PDF, HERE 👈

Brotherton H, Templeton K, Rowney DA, Montague ML (2014) Ludwig’s Angina: Paediatric Case Report and Literature Review. Intern Med 4: 174. doi:10.4172/2165-8048.1000174

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Odontogenic Infection in Pediatric Dentistry: Facial Cellulitis, Ludwig's Angina - Diagnosis, clinical and pharmacological management
Dental abscess, facial cellulitis and Ludwig's Angina in a pediatric patient - Diagnosis and treatment - Free scientific articles, videos and clinical cases
Ludwig's angina in children - Case report, clinical and pharmacological management

miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2022

Oral Surgery: 10 most read articles in 2022

Oral Surgery

Oral surgery is a specialty of dentistry that studies, prevents, diagnoses, and performs surgical procedures on alterations in the oral cavity.

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Watch the video 🔽 Top 10 Mouth Cancer Symptoms ... The early detection of cancer ensures a better recovery and success of the treatment, for that we must know the warning signs and the changes that happen in our mouth

On the other hand, maxillofacial surgery studies, diagnoses and surgically treats the disorders that affect the maxillofacial complex.


We share the 10 most read, shared and downloaded oral surgery articles (articles, videos and clinical cases) in 2022.

1. PDF ► Odontogenic facial cellulitis in a pediatric patient - Diagnosis, treatment and multidisciplinary management

2. PDF ► Guide for the surgical management and oral pathology of the pediatric patient

3. PDF ► Management of acute orofacial infection of odontogenic origin in children - Diagnosis, clinic and pharmacology

4. PDF ► Manual of Local Anesthesia - Anesthetic techniques and anatomical references

5. Video ► Inferior alveolar nerve block Technique For Children - Tips and tricks

6. Video ► What is a dry socket? All you need to know

7. PDF ► Oral Surgery: Use of laser in lingual frenectomy in pediatric patients

8. PDF ► Mandibular tumors in pediatric patients. Report of 04 cases of aggressive tumors

9. PDF ► Antimicrobial therapies for odontogenic infections in children and adolescents

10. PDF ► Techniques and recommendations for an extraction in pediatric dentistry