martes, 10 de enero de 2023

Ludwig's angina in a pediatric patient - Case report (diagnosis, symptoms and treatment)

Ludwig's angina

Ludwig's angina is a severe and life-threatening infectious process with rapid progression. It is common in adults but can occur in children with suppressed immunity.

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Clinically, a painful, diffuse inflammation can be seen, making it difficult to speak and swallow. The patient with Ludwig's angina requires hospitalization and treatment with specific antibiotics.


We share the case of a pediatric patient with Ludwig's Angina, and a bibliographic review of the infection in children.

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Brotherton H, Templeton K, Rowney DA, Montague ML (2014) Ludwig’s Angina: Paediatric Case Report and Literature Review. Intern Med 4: 174. doi:10.4172/2165-8048.1000174

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