viernes, 13 de mayo de 2022

Odontogenic facial cellulitis in a pediatric patient - Medical-dental management considerations

Oral Pathology

Facial cellulitis is an infection, usually of odontogenic origin, that moves and evolves rapidly, putting the patient's general health at risk. The management of facial cellulitis in pediatric dentistry must be multidisciplinary.

In the initial stages, cellulite is of a soft consistency, in advanced stages it is hardened. The infant's immune system is diminished, so it is necessary to control and eliminate the causative agent.


We share an article that details the clinical characteristics, pharmacological and multidisciplinary management of odontogenic facial cellulite in children.

Oral Medicine

👉 READ AND DOWNLOAD "Odontogenic facial cellulitis in a pediatric patient - Medical-dental management considerations" IN FULL IN PDF👈

Giunta Crescente C, Soto de Facchin M, Acevedo Rodríguez AM. Medical-dental considerations in the care of children with facial cellulitis of odontogenic origin. A disease of interest for pediatricians and pediatric dentists. Arch Argent Pediatr 2018;116(4):e548-e553

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