viernes, 29 de septiembre de 2023

Warning signs of oral cancer - Identify and recognize the symptoms and lesions

Oral Cancer

Oral cancer can occur both in the oral cavity (tongue, lips, gums, cheeks) and in the oropharynx (tonsils, base of the tongue, throat). There are several factors that increase the risk of oral cancer, such as tobacco use, alcohol, prolonged sun exposure, and diet.

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There are potentially malignant symptoms and lesions that everyone should be aware of as part of a preventive attitude. Self-examination is a great alternative to discover and identify pre-malignant lesions.


We share a video that teaches us what the 10 warning signs of oral cancer are, with important information to identify potentially malignant lesions and recognize the symptoms.

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馃搶 Watch video "10 Warning Signs of Oral Cancer - Symptoms of Oral Cancer"

Youtube/ Healthpecial

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