lunes, 8 de enero de 2024

What is Ludwig's Angina? What are the symptoms and treatment?

Ludwig's Angina

Dental caries is a disease that affects children and adults, and its presence affects the dental structure. When this progress is not stopped, it can put the general health and life of the patient at risk.

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Ludwig's angina is a serious infectious process and its treatment is based on clinical, pharmacological and surgical management.


Learn what Ludwig's angina is, its etiology, the symptoms that we should take into account, and the effective treatment (pharmacological and surgical).

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馃搶 Read and download the article in PDF:

馃憠 "A Severe Case of Ludwig’s Angina with a Complicated Clinical Course" 馃憟

Kovalev V (April 16, 2020) A Severe Case of Ludwig’s Angina with a Complicated Clinical Course. Cureus 12(4): e7695. DOI 10.7759/cureus.7695

馃搶 Watch video: "Ludwig Angina: An Airway Emergency"

Youtube / Larry B. Mellick, MD

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