viernes, 10 de marzo de 2023

What is the appropriate dose of local anesthetics in pediatric dentistry?

Dental Anesthesia

Local anesthetics in pediatric dentistry prevent pain, thus reducing the patient's anxiety and stress, making the dental procedure successful and generating confidence in the patient.

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Article PDF 馃斀 Manual of Local Anesthesia - Anesthetic techniques and anatomical references ... The professional must know the appropriate administration technique for the dental procedure, the anatomical references, and the recommended dose for the patient.

The adequate dose of anesthetics must be correctly calculated to obtain optimal effects and reduce side effects.


We share an article that carries out a study on the optimal, effective and necessary doses of local anesthetics in routine treatments in pediatric dentistry.

馃搶 Read and download the article in PDF :

馃憠 READ AND DOWNLOAD THE ARTICLE "What is the appropriate dose of local anesthetics in pediatric dentistry?" IN PDF, HERE 馃憟

Massir E, Palmon Y, Zilberman U (2018) Local Anesthesia in Pediatric Dentistry-How Much is Enough?. Dentistry 8: 480. doi: 10.4172/2161-1122.1000480

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