lunes, 29 de mayo de 2023

Antibiotics in dental infections in children. Which one to use?


The oral cavity presents a flora that can be affected by an infectious process, at which point the flora becomes opportunistic. The use of antibiotics must be reasonable to control infectious processes.

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The administration of drugs must be responsible to avoid antibiotic resistance (ability of a microorganism to resist the effects of a drug). Before prescribing a medication, it is necessary to review and analyze the drug to avoid resistance and other problems such as allergies.


We share a study that analyzes the characteristics and use of the most widely used antibiotics in pediatric dentistry during a dental infection.

馃搶 Read and download the article in PDF : Antibiotic use for treating dental infections in children

Cherry, W.R., Lee, J.Y., Shugars, D.A., White, R.P., & Vann, W.F. (2012). Antibiotic use for treating dental infections in children: a survey of dentists' prescribing practices. Journal of the American Dental Association, 143 1, 31-8.

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