Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Webinar. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Webinar. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2020

Pulpectomy: Clinical Tips and Tricks in Paediatric Dentistry


In pediatric dentistry there are treatments that are performed when the dental pulp of the primary tooth is affected by caries or an accident, they are: pulpotomy (partial removal of the nerve), pulpectomy (total removal of the nerve), direct and indirect pulp lining.

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Pulpectomy is performed when there is an infectious process (fistula or abscess), chronic inflammation, or pulp necrosis. The objective of this treatment is to maintain the tooth to avoid problems of poor dental position of the permanent teeth.


We share a webinar dictated by Dr Shah and published on The Kenya Association of Pediatric Dentists channel, which tells us about pulpectomies, its importance and tips for implementation.


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Management of Endodontic Emergencies: Pulpotomy Versus Pulpectomy
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Source: Youtube/ The Kenya Association of Paediatric Dentists

lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2020

Hábitos Parafuncionales: La importancia de la detección temprana - Webinar - Dra. Martha Patricia Nieto Sanchez

Hábitos Parafuncionales

Los problemas de oclusión y malformaciones dentomaxilares son muchas veces provocados por los hábitos parafuncionales, que son actividades repetitivas (conscientes o inconscientes) que no son funcionales ni generan algún beneficio.

Algunos de estos hábitos parafuncionales son: bruxismo, succión digital, protracción lingual, onicofagia, queilofagia, respiración bucal. Las consecuencias de estas actividades parafuncionales se pueden evitar asistiendo al especialista para una temprana evaluación y tratamiento.

Enlaces Patrocinados

Compartimos con las comunidad odontologica una conferencia organizada por la Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala (FESI) y dictada por la dra. Martha Patricia Nieto Sanchez, que abordara el tema de hábitos parafuncionales.

deglución atípica

También te puede interesar :
¿Cuáles son las causas de una maloclusión?
¿Qué es deglución atípica? - Revisión de la literatura
Succión Digital: Consecuencias clínicas

Fuente: Youtube / Portal Odontólogos

sábado, 31 de octubre de 2020

Space Maintainers: Benefits and Types - Webinar

Space Maintainers

Space maintainers are devices, fixed or removable, whose function is to conserve the space left by a primary tooth for the eruption of the permanent tooth.

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The use of space maintainers is necessary when a tooth is lost early, due to a cavity or accident. In this way we prevent a future bad dental position.


There are several types of space maintainers, and it is the dentist who will determine which is the most recommended for the patient after conducting an evaluation. Much more on the space maintainer below.

space maintainers

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Source: Youtube/ Mental Dental

lunes, 26 de octubre de 2020

Dental Treatment: Pediatric Vital Pulp Therapy - Webinar


The dental pulp can be affected by cavities or some trauma, in both situations it is necessary to perform a root canal treatment. The vital pulp therapy's main function is to maintain the primary tooth until exfoliation.

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Good biocompatible materials are currently available to help us preserve dental pulp.


We share an interesting webinar called: Dental Treatment: Pediatric Vital Pulp Therapy, from the Catapult Education channel.


You may also like :
Management of Endodontic Emergencies: Pulpotomy Versus Pulpectomy
Root Canal Treatment for children
Pulpotomy Medicaments used in Deciduous Dentition: An Update

Source: Youtube/ Catapult Education

domingo, 25 de octubre de 2020

A review of the pediatric dentistry guidelines and post -COVID- era clinical recommendations - Webinar

Pediatric Dentistry

The presence of covid 19 in the world made dental care focus on emergency care. These restrictions have been decreasing over the weeks in all countries.

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In dentistry there are several procedures that generate aerosols, this situation puts the health of the dentist at risk.
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Many professionals consider less invasive treatments in order to reduce aerosols. We share a video by Dr. Manal AlHalabi who talks about the guidelines in pediatric dentistry in the Covid era.

Pediatric Dentistry

You may also like :
What is a Root Canal? Everything you need to know
Technique for Primary Molar Tooth Pulpotomy
Root Canal Treatment for children

Source: Youtube/ MBR University

viernes, 23 de octubre de 2020

Webinar - Minor Oral Surgery in Pediatric Dentistry

Oral Surgery

When performing a surgical procedure in a pediatric patient, some aspects should be assessed, such as the child's behavior. The evaluation of the patient is essential to collect important data before the intervention.

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Dental extraction is one of the routine procedures in dental practice, and in pediatric dentistry the value of a primary tooth must be taken into account, since without it correct chewing is put at risk, as well as the correct position of the permanent tooth. .


We share with the dental community, a webinar by Dr. Fawaz Siddiqui, who tells us about minor procedures in pediatric dentistry and the care we must take.

How To Prevent A Dry Socket
Oral Surgery

You may also like :
What are the consequences of a tooth extraction?
Why is it recommended to extract a tooth to children?
ORTHODONTICS : Serial extraction of primary teeth

Source: Youtube/ Youtube PIDC

martes, 20 de octubre de 2020

Remoción de caries con Brix 3000 - Webinar Dra. Ramos Vértiz

Brix 3000 TRA

El brix 3000 es un gel de uso odontológico y se utiliza para la eliminación atraumática de caries, esto es gracias a la papaína (una enzima de la papaya) que se encuentra aumentada su actividad enzimática. Cuando nos referimos a una eliminación atraumática de caries, queremos decir que se puede remover la caries sin necesidad de elementos rotatorios.

Esto es de gran ayuda en caso de pacientes odontopediátricos, pacientes especiales, pacientes con odontofobia, o cuando se debe realizar tratamientos dentales en zonas alejadas.

Enlaces Patrocinados

Compartimos un interesante webinar del canal Brix 3000 dictado por la Dra. Ramos Vértiz, que nos habla sobre los beneficios del Brix 3000 en la eliminación y remoción de caries.


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Tratamiento Restaurador Atraumático (TRA) : Protocolo Clínico del TRA y del TRA modificado
Técnica de Restauración Atraumática
Consideraciones médico-odontológicas en la atención del niño con celulitis facial odontogénica

Fuente: Youtube / Brix 3000
Imagen: Brix 3000