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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Videos of dentistry. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, 27 de enero de 2021

Dental Treatment: Vital Pulp Therapy for Primary Teeth


Caries affects the dental pulp in different ways, from mild reactions to pulp necrosis. In pediatric dentistry, different techniques are used to maintain the functions and vitality of the tooth.

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The anatomical characteristics of primary teeth are different from permanent teeth. It is important to know these differences when performing any dental procedure.

We shared a webinar on new pulp treatment techniques in primary teeth, led by dr. Carla Cohn DMD.


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Source: Youtube/ Catapult Education

miércoles, 6 de enero de 2021

Diabetes and gum health - Periodontitis


Diabetes is a disease that affects several organs and systems of our body, including the heart, kidneys and eyes. The oral cavity is also affected by this disease, for example periodontitis, xerostomia and fungi.

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A person with diabetes increases the risk of suffering from periodontal disease, even losing one or more teeth more quickly.


Control of diabetes is essential to achieve successful periodontal treatment. That is why it is important to visit your doctor and dentist regularly for an early evaluation and treatment.


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Source: Youtube/ EFP European Federation of Periodontology
Image: CreakyJoints

martes, 5 de enero de 2021

What are the medicines used in pediatric dentistry?


During pediatric dentistry, a series of drugs are used to control pain, inflammation and infections that the pediatric patient may present. It is important that the pediatric dentist and general dentist know the management of drugs in children.

When a drug is to be prescribed, it is important that the professional knows the drug, as well as the necessary dose to be administered, in this way we avoid bacterial resistance.

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We share with you an interesting video from the AtoZ Kidsdental channel that tells us about the drugs most used in pediatric dentistry.

This video explains why and teaches you how to do it safely using a simple 4 step method. Thanks to the RN Kid channel that offers us a very simple way to calculate the doses in children


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Source: Youtube/ AtoZ Kidsdental

lunes, 28 de diciembre de 2020

How well do fluoride treatments work at preventing tooth decay?


There is no doubt that prevention is the best way to avoid a number of diseases such as tooth decay. The recommendations for oral care are to brush your teeth daily, have a balanced diet and visit the dentist.

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In the dental office, procedures are performed that prevent the presence of cavities, such as the use of fluoride.


We share a video from the Osmosis channel that explains in detail the benefits of fluoride in preventing tooth decay.

Dental Radiology

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Source: Youtube/ Osmosis

domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2020

The types of bad breath that we CAN'T treat in the dental office

Bad Breath

Halitosis can have an oral origin, that means that the cause of bad breath is in the oral cavity, such as lack of hygiene, the presence of cavities, inflammation and bleeding gums.

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There are other cases of bad breath that cannot be treated by dentistry, such as: keto breath, onion breath, garlic breath and acid reflux.


We share the video of dr. Joseph Nemeth from the YouTube channel Joseph R Nemeth DDS & Associates, who explains in detail what are those causes of bad breath that cannot be treated in the dental office.

Bad Breath

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Source: Youtube/ Joseph R Nemeth DDS & Associates

martes, 24 de noviembre de 2020

Online Video library - Bruxism: Definition, diagnosis and treatments


Bruxism is a parafunctional pathology, which can occur day or night, and affects both adults and children. The presence of bruxism affects the teeth, orofacial muscles, and the temporomandibular joint.

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Bruxism is evidenced when the patient grinds or clenches his teeth. The origin of bruxism is multifactorial, for which an interdisciplinary treatment is recommended.


🎯We share an interesting list of videos dedicated to this pathology, so that it can be shared in the dental community.

Bruxism: A medical or dental issue?

Can children suffer from bruxism?

What are the symptoms of clenched teeth and how can we fix it?

Bruxism - A Major Cause of Gum Recession

What are the consequences of bruxism?

Everything you need to know about bruxism

Bruxism: Why do you need a dental splint?

domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2020

Tooth Development and Eruption - Odontogenesis


Dental embryology is responsible for the study of odontogenesis, which is the development of teeth. This event begins in the embryo around the sixth week and is divided into four stages.

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It is approximately in the eighth week that the germs of the primary teeth are formed. Primary teeth begin to erupt at approximately 6 months and end at 31 months.


We share a video that offers us details of the development process (odontogenesis) until the eruption of the teeth.


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Source: Youtube/ Mental Dental