Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Pediatric Dentistry. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Pediatric Dentistry. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2020

Use of Vital Pulp Therapies in Primary Teeth with Deep Caries Lesions

Pediatric Dentistry

When a primary tooth is affected by deep caries, three treatments can be chosen: indirect pulp treatment (IPT), direct pulp cap (DPC); and pulpotomy. Keeping the primary teeth in the oral cavity is the main objective of pulp treatments.

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The AAPD (American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry) presents a guide to pulp treatment in pediatric dentistry, with the aim of optimizing treatment care and results.


For this, several interventions were evaluated on the primary dental pulp, with different materials such as: MTA, formocresol, ferric sulfate, sodium hypochlorite, calcium hydroxide, etc.


👉DOWNLOAD AND READ THE FULL ARTICLE "Use of Vital Pulp Therapies in Primary Teeth with Deep Caries Lesions" IN PDF👈

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domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2020

Tooth Development and Eruption - Odontogenesis


Dental embryology is responsible for the study of odontogenesis, which is the development of teeth. This event begins in the embryo around the sixth week and is divided into four stages.

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It is approximately in the eighth week that the germs of the primary teeth are formed. Primary teeth begin to erupt at approximately 6 months and end at 31 months.


We share a video that offers us details of the development process (odontogenesis) until the eruption of the teeth.


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What is the difference between apexogenesis and apexification?
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Source: Youtube/ Mental Dental

sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2020

A Review on Vital Pulp Therapy in Primary Teeth

Pediatric Dentistry

Pulp therapy in pediatric dentistry is responsible for treating the neurovascular bundle of a tooth that has suffered some trauma or an infectious process. The objective of the treatment is to maintain the primary tooth until its natural exfoliation, avoiding problems of malocclusion and dental malposition.

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The success of the treatment is based on an early diagnosis and an efficient treatment. Currently we can find biocompatible materials that ensure good treatment.


Within pulp therapy we can find treatments such as pulpectomy pulpotomy and pulp coverings. The choice of each of them depends on the clinical and radiographic evaluation of the dentist.

Oral Rehabilitation

We share a work that reviews and discusses the new concepts in the preservation of dental pulp, as well as the new biomaterials for these treatments that aim at the induction of dentin formation.


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miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2020

Pulpectomy: Clinical Tips and Tricks in Paediatric Dentistry


In pediatric dentistry there are treatments that are performed when the dental pulp of the primary tooth is affected by caries or an accident, they are: pulpotomy (partial removal of the nerve), pulpectomy (total removal of the nerve), direct and indirect pulp lining.

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Pulpectomy is performed when there is an infectious process (fistula or abscess), chronic inflammation, or pulp necrosis. The objective of this treatment is to maintain the tooth to avoid problems of poor dental position of the permanent teeth.


We share a webinar dictated by Dr Shah and published on The Kenya Association of Pediatric Dentists channel, which tells us about pulpectomies, its importance and tips for implementation.


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Source: Youtube/ The Kenya Association of Paediatric Dentists

sábado, 31 de octubre de 2020

Space Maintainers: Benefits and Types - Webinar

Space Maintainers

Space maintainers are devices, fixed or removable, whose function is to conserve the space left by a primary tooth for the eruption of the permanent tooth.

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The use of space maintainers is necessary when a tooth is lost early, due to a cavity or accident. In this way we prevent a future bad dental position.


There are several types of space maintainers, and it is the dentist who will determine which is the most recommended for the patient after conducting an evaluation. Much more on the space maintainer below.

space maintainers

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Source: Youtube/ Mental Dental

viernes, 30 de octubre de 2020

Oral Characteristics of Newborns

Pediatric Dentistry

The oral cavity of the newborn has characteristics of its own age and stage of development. These characteristics allow the baby to fulfill its physiological needs such as sucking.

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Knowing the characteristics of the baby's oral cavity is of importance for the general dentist, because more and more parents attend consultations to resolve doubts about the oral health of their children.


We share a work that describes the oral characteristics of the newborn, whose objective is to inform oral health professionals about the common aspects that are observed in the newborn.

Oral Rehabilitation

° Silva, Cintia & Ramos, Marcelo & Carrara, Cleide & Dalben, Gisele. (2008). Oral characteristics of newborns. Journal of dentistry for children (Chicago, Ill.). 75. 4-6.

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miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2020

A comprehensive guide to achieving the best results with 3M™ ESPE™ Prefabricated Crowns (Stainless Steel Crowns - Polycarbonate Crowns)

Oral Rehabilitation

Crowns are used when the primary molar has been affected by extensive caries or a dental fracture. In both cases, the tooth structure is compromised and the crowns offer stability and durability of the tooth.

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One of the great benefits of 3M crowns is that they offer long-term coverage, ensuring durability.


In pediatric dentistry, the main objective is to maintain the primary tooth, so as not to affect chewing or the eruption or location of the permanent tooth. We share a complete guide for the placement of the different 3M prefabricated crowns for the oral rehabilitation of pediatric patients

Oral Rehabilitation


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Preformed crowns for decayed primary molar teeth (Review)
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martes, 27 de octubre de 2020

Free Training - Pulp Therapy in Pediatric Dentistry - Dental articles, videos and much more to share

Free Training

Pulp therapy in pediatric dentistry is responsible for preserving the affected primary tooth. To achieve this objective, she resorts to dental procedures such as: pulpotomies or pulpectomies.

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The loss of a primary tooth has consequences on the development and oral health of the child: alteration in the location and position of the permanent teeth, affects phonation and chewing and loss of dental space.

Enlaces Patrocinados

We share with the professional community, several dental articles and videos about this specialty, with the aim of contributing to the education of the dentist and the patient.

🎯Scientific Articles, PDF Articles, Videos and more

Root Canal Treatment for children

What is the difference between pulpotomy and pulpectomy?

An update on primary teeth pulpotomy medicaments

Management of Endodontic Emergencies: Pulpotomy Versus Pulpectomy

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lunes, 26 de octubre de 2020

Dental Treatment: Pediatric Vital Pulp Therapy - Webinar


The dental pulp can be affected by cavities or some trauma, in both situations it is necessary to perform a root canal treatment. The vital pulp therapy's main function is to maintain the primary tooth until exfoliation.

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Good biocompatible materials are currently available to help us preserve dental pulp.


We share an interesting webinar called: Dental Treatment: Pediatric Vital Pulp Therapy, from the Catapult Education channel.


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Management of Endodontic Emergencies: Pulpotomy Versus Pulpectomy
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Source: Youtube/ Catapult Education

domingo, 25 de octubre de 2020

A review of the pediatric dentistry guidelines and post -COVID- era clinical recommendations - Webinar

Pediatric Dentistry

The presence of covid 19 in the world made dental care focus on emergency care. These restrictions have been decreasing over the weeks in all countries.

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In dentistry there are several procedures that generate aerosols, this situation puts the health of the dentist at risk.
Enlaces Patrocinados

Many professionals consider less invasive treatments in order to reduce aerosols. We share a video by Dr. Manal AlHalabi who talks about the guidelines in pediatric dentistry in the Covid era.

Pediatric Dentistry

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Source: Youtube/ MBR University

viernes, 23 de octubre de 2020

Webinar - Minor Oral Surgery in Pediatric Dentistry

Oral Surgery

When performing a surgical procedure in a pediatric patient, some aspects should be assessed, such as the child's behavior. The evaluation of the patient is essential to collect important data before the intervention.

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Dental extraction is one of the routine procedures in dental practice, and in pediatric dentistry the value of a primary tooth must be taken into account, since without it correct chewing is put at risk, as well as the correct position of the permanent tooth. .


We share with the dental community, a webinar by Dr. Fawaz Siddiqui, who tells us about minor procedures in pediatric dentistry and the care we must take.

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Oral Surgery

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Source: Youtube/ Youtube PIDC

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2020

What is the difference between apexogenesis and apexification?


It is known as an immature tooth, that tooth that has an open apex and is discovered by an X-ray. When this happens, conventional endodontic procedures are of no value.

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The apex opening is usually very large in an immature tooth, and the canal walls are very thin, so appropriate treatment must be performed.


In the presence of an open apex, apexogenesis (apicoformation) or apexification can be used. Both treatments have differences that will be resolved with the video that we show below.


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Source: Youtube/ Dental pathshala

sábado, 17 de octubre de 2020

Behavior management in pediatric dentistry - Dr. Eyal Simchi - Webinar

Pediatric Dentistry

Managing the behavior of the pediatric patient is a challenge for the pediatric dentist, since attending the office generates stress and uncertainty, causing some type of behavioral response.

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Communication with parents and the pediatric patient is important. The dentist must transmit security and empathy, with the intention of reducing parental anxiety.


We share an excellent webinar conducted by the Riverfront Pediatric Dentistry channel and dictated by Dr. Eyal Simchi, which addresses the topic of "Behavior management in pediatric dentistry".

Oral Surgery

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Source: Youtube/ Riverfront Pediatric Dentistry

martes, 6 de octubre de 2020

Hybrid nano-resin esthetic crowns in primary teeth. Case report

Oral Rehabilitation

Currently the oral rehabilitation of children have more aesthetic alternatives, leaving behind the metal crowns that lack this benefit. The loss of one or more teeth in children is due to extensive caries processes, or due to an accident, putting the proper development of the occlusion at risk.

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Adhesion is the best ally of modern dentistry, as it ensures a lasting and aesthetic rehabilitation. Although the aprismatic layer and the thin thickness of the enamel of the primary teeth are one of the biggest obstacles, it is not an impediment to an optimal result.

Enlaces Patrocinados

The objective of the work that we share today is to show a clinical case of oral rehabilitation with indirect composites. All the details of this interesting case below.


° Rojas RA, Gasca AG. Hybrid nano-resin esthetic crowns in primary teeth. Case report. Rev Odont Mex. 2014;18(4):255-258.

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domingo, 4 de octubre de 2020

Free Training - Importance of Early Orthodontic Treatment - Dental articles, videos, clinical case and more


An early diagnosis and orthodontic treatment favors the harmonious growth and development of the occlusion in the child. By identifying a problem, treatment can be done to prevent it from getting worse.

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Interceptive orthodontics guides the growth of the jaws, in addition to correcting habits that damage bone and dental development, avoiding malformations.

Enlaces Patrocinados

We share with the professional community, several articles and dental videos on the importance of early orthodontic treatment, with the aim of contributing to the education of the dentist and the patient.

🎯Scientific Articles, PDF Articles, Videos and more

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domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2020

Pediatric Zirconia Crown Technique - Anterior and Posterior

Oral Rehabilitation

Pediatric crowns recover aesthetics and chewing function lost due to the absence of one or more deciduous teeth, either due to caries or dental trauma.

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They can also be used when the color of the deciduous tooth is very altered or has defects in its structure. Zirconia crowns are very aesthetic and resistant, and do not use metal inside, so it gives a natural appearance.


We share with you the preparation of a deciduous tooth for the placement of a pediatric zirconium crown, thanks to the didactic video of the Sprig channel.

Oral Rehabilitation

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Source: Youtube/ Sprig

Source: Youtube/ Sprig