miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2022

Oral Surgery: 10 most read articles in 2022

Oral Surgery

Oral surgery is a specialty of dentistry that studies, prevents, diagnoses, and performs surgical procedures on alterations in the oral cavity.

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Watch the video 🔽 Top 10 Mouth Cancer Symptoms ... The early detection of cancer ensures a better recovery and success of the treatment, for that we must know the warning signs and the changes that happen in our mouth

On the other hand, maxillofacial surgery studies, diagnoses and surgically treats the disorders that affect the maxillofacial complex.


We share the 10 most read, shared and downloaded oral surgery articles (articles, videos and clinical cases) in 2022.

1. PDF ► Odontogenic facial cellulitis in a pediatric patient - Diagnosis, treatment and multidisciplinary management

2. PDF ► Guide for the surgical management and oral pathology of the pediatric patient

3. PDF ► Management of acute orofacial infection of odontogenic origin in children - Diagnosis, clinic and pharmacology

4. PDF ► Manual of Local Anesthesia - Anesthetic techniques and anatomical references

5. Video ► Inferior alveolar nerve block Technique For Children - Tips and tricks

6. Video ► What is a dry socket? All you need to know

7. PDF ► Oral Surgery: Use of laser in lingual frenectomy in pediatric patients

8. PDF ► Mandibular tumors in pediatric patients. Report of 04 cases of aggressive tumors

9. PDF ► Antimicrobial therapies for odontogenic infections in children and adolescents

10. PDF ► Techniques and recommendations for an extraction in pediatric dentistry

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