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lunes, 17 de octubre de 2022

Dental anesthesia in Pediatric Dentistry - Free scientific articles, videos and clinical cases

Dental anesthesia

The use of local anesthetics in pediatric dentistry allows us to perform several invasive procedures without causing pain or stress to the patient, achieving a successful result in their treatment.

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Sedation in pediatric patients is necessary when treatments are complex, the most frequent methods are: nitrous oxide (gas) and oral sedation. In exceptional cases, general anesthesia is used.


We share a complete list of scientific articles, manuals and videos on the use, management, care, techniques and emergency of dental anesthesia in pediatric dentistry.

🎯 List of Scientific Articles, PDF Articles, Clinical Cases, Videos and more below

Manual of Local Anesthesia - Anesthetic techniques and anatomical references

DENTAL ANESTHESIA : Mandibular Block for Pediatric Patients - Dental Injection Technique

Local anesthesia calculations: How to avoid overdose and toxicity in pediatric patients?

Inferior alveolar nerve block Technique For Children - Tips and tricks

Considerations for Pediatric Local Anesthesia

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Download the PDF🔽 Guide for the surgical management and oral pathology of the pediatric patient ... Some of the pathologies that we can frequently find in children that need surgical procedures are: supernumerary and impacted teeth, congenital cysts, mucoceles

Allergic manifestations to local anaesthetic in pediatric dentistry: Prevention and management

Dental Anesthesia: Overdose and Complications in Pediatric Patients

Pharmacological management of the behavior of the pediatric patient: Nitrous Oxide and General Anesthesia

Pediatric Anesthesia in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Management of general and local anesthesia and sedation in pediatric dentistry

INTERVIEW : Is general anesthesia in children safe for dental procedures?

sábado, 17 de septiembre de 2022

Bionator Appliance: Objectives, Indications, Advantages and Disadvantages


The Bionator is a functional appliance created by Balters, and is used to treat Class II Division 1, Class III malocclusions and open bites. It is also used in patients with temporomandibular disorders.

The Bionator must be used for a long time by the patient, in this way we can observe satisfactory results. One of the advantages is that it is a comfortable functional device for the patient.


We share a video that details the advantages, disadvantages, indications and contraindications of the Bionator.


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jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2022

Ankyloglossia in infants - Diagnosis and surgical protocol

Oral Surgery

Ankyloglossia is characterized by a short lingual frenulum that limits the mobility of the tongue. This congenital anomaly causes difficulties in breastfeeding and speech problems in the future.

There are several signs and symptoms that we must be aware of, such as: long-term breastfeeding, straining of the infant, pain in the mother's nipple. Treatment for ankyloglossia is outpatient surgery with local anesthesia.


We share the signs and symptoms for a correct diagnosis of ankyloglossia in infants and the surgical aspects of its treatment.

Oral Surgery

👉 READ AND DOWNLOAD "Atraumatic Restorative Treatment - Step-by-step procedure manual" IN FULL IN PDF👈

Parri Ferrandis FJ. Ankyloglossia in infants: surgical aspects. Cir Pediatr. 2021 Apr 1;34(2):59-62. English, Spanish. PMID: 33826256.


Fuente: Youtube / PAK Pediatrics

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sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2022

Correct use of analgesics and anti-inflammatories in pediatric dentistry - Indications and secondary effects


Analgesics and anti-inflammatories, together with antibiotics, are the drugs most used in dentistry. Analgesics are used to reduce and control pain, and anti-inflammatories prevent and reduce inflammatory processes.

The professional must know the properties and protocols of all the drugs that he is going to prescribe. In the same way he must prevent and control unwanted side effects.


We share an article that updates the correct prescription of analgesics and anti-inflammatories, and reports on contraindications and unwanted side effects of drugs.


👉 READ AND DOWNLOAD "Correct use of analgesics and anti-inflammatories in pediatric dentistry - Indications and secondary effects" IN FULL IN PDF👈

Lupșe, Irina & Muntean, Alexandrina & Chiș, Ioana-Andreea & Daniliuc, Anca-Ioana & Ghergie, Mircea. (2021). ANTI-INFLAMMATORIES AND ANALGESICS IN PAEDIATRIC DENTISTRY. Romanian Journal of Stomatology. 67. 71-75. 10.37897/RJS.2021.2.1.

👉 ALSO WATCH THE VIDEO: Analgesic for Dental Pain in Kids

Fuente: Youtube / Sumi's Pedosthan

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sábado, 27 de agosto de 2022

Are Antibiotics Enough To Treat A Tooth Infection?

Oral Infection

Dental caries is a multifactorial infection, with a very high prevalence in the world, which destroys dental tissue and compromises the dental pulp, generating the much feared dental pain.

Night pain is one of the characteristic signs of dental infection and one of the reasons for most consultation in dental emergencies. The evaluation is clinical and radiological to determine the degree of involvement of caries.


The administration of antibiotics is necessary to control the pain and the evolution of the infection, but is it enough? The answer below...


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martes, 23 de agosto de 2022

Management of antibiotics in odontogenic infections in pediatric dentistry


Odontogenic infections in children spread rapidly in various areas of the head and neck. That is why it is important for the specialist to take immediate action to avoid putting the patient's life at risk.

Antibiotic treatment in pediatric dentistry should be carried out taking into account the pharmacodynamic characteristics of the pediatric patient. The pediatric dentist must know the drug and the recommended doses to avoid adverse reactions or resistance.


We share two videos on the correct use and management of the most used antibiotics in infections of odontogenic origin in pediatric dentistry.

Oral Surgery

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Source: Youtube/ Sumi's Pedosthan

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miércoles, 10 de agosto de 2022

Ameloblastoma in a pediatric patient - Characteristics, treatment and clinical case

Oral Surgery

Ameloblastoma is an odontogenic tumor, non-malignant but locally aggressive, with high recurrence, and is evidenced as a facial swelling, or sometimes as a radiographic finding.

The patient refers symptoms such as pain, dental mobility, malocclusion and others. Treatment is surgical, and can be conservative or radical, and the technique to be used will depend on the pathological and radiographic evaluation of the tumor.


We share a review on ameloblastoma and its clinical and radiographic characteristics, as well as surgical treatment, regarding the presentation of the case in a pediatric patient.

Oral Surgery

👉 READ AND DOWNLOAD "Ameloblastoma in a pediatric patient - Characteristics, treatment and clinical case" IN FULL IN PDF👈

Belardo, Edgar, Velasco, Ignacio, Guerra, Andrés, & Rosa, Edwin. (2012). Mandibular Ameloblastoma in a 10-year-old Child: Case Report and Review of the Literature. International journal of odontostomatology, 6(3), 331-336.

👉 ALSO WATCH THE VIDEO: Ameloblastoma - Origination, Clinical, Radiographic & Histopathologic features

Fuente: Youtube / DentalManiaK

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