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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Oral Pathology. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, 2 de agosto de 2020

Pediatric oral RANULA: Clinical cases and follow-up


Oral ranulas are cystic lesions located on the floor of the mouth that arise from obstruction of the excretory duct of the sublingual gland. This causes an accumulation of mucoid material, leading to a well-circumscribed swelling in the oral mucosa of the floor of the mouth.

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Oral ranula is an infrequent pathology, appearing more frequently in children. A review of articles published on oral ranula between 2000 and 2009, found only 12 series, of which eight were specific to the pediatric population.


The largest series corresponded to Chidzonga et al who analyzed 61 oral ranulas in children younger than 10 years. Some authors discuss ranulas in the general population and other authors have published isolated clinical cases.

Oral Medicine

It was therefore interesting to analyze oral ranulas in a large sample of pediatric patients of the Oral and Maxi-llofacial Surgery Department of the La Fe University Children’s Hospital, Valencia. The aim is to analyze the clinical characteristics, treatment and outcome of oral ranulas in pediatric patients.

° Bonet-Coloma C, Minguez-Martinez I, Aloy-Prósper A, Galán-Gil S, Peñarrocha-Diago M, Mínguez-Sanz JM. Pediatric oral ranula: Clinical follow-up study of 57 cases. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2011 Mar 1;16 (2):e158-62.

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viernes, 24 de julio de 2020

What are the symptoms of clenched teeth and how can we fix it?


Grinding and grinding of the teeth is called bruxism. This activity is nocturnal and in states of unconsciousness. The consequences of bruxism is varied, since it affects teeth, muscles and bones.

The teeth wear out quickly and may have some fissure or fracture of the enamel. In the case of muscles, they become inflamed and generate great pain when chewing or talking.


If you want to know more information about bruxism and its consequences on our health, we invite you to watch the following video.

Oral Medicine

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Source: Youtube/ Mark Burhenne, DDS

viernes, 26 de junio de 2020

Why did oral HPV cases increase in men?


HPV (Human Papillomavirus) is an infection whose most frequent contagion is by sexual transmission. This infection can cause genital warts and in other cases cause uterine cancer.

There are also certain types of HPV that can cause an oral infection and can also cause cancer in the oral cavity.

Enlaces Patrocinados

A study conducted in 2017 highlighted that 11 million men were infected with oral HPV between 2011 and 2014. What is oral HPV and why does it increase the risk of oral cancer in men?

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viernes, 12 de junio de 2020

Oral manifestations of human immunodeficiency virus in children


Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is considered a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). From its discovery in 1981 to 2006, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) has killed more than 25 million people.

HIV infects about 0.6% of the world's population. In 2005, AIDS claimed an estimated 2.4-3.3 million lives, of which more than 570,000 were children. Most of the cases are seen in sub-Saharan countries and developing nations.


Antiretroviral treatment reduces both the mortality and the morbidity rates of HIV infection, but routine access to antiretroviral medication is not available in all countries. HIV transmission in children occurs mainly through vertical transmission (mother to child).

Oral Medicine

° Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Vol. 16 Issue 2 May - Aug 2012
° Srinivas Rao Ponnam / Gautam Srivastava / Kotaih Theruru

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jueves, 11 de junio de 2020

What Does Your Tongue Say About Your State Of Health?

Oral Medicine

The tongue plays an important role in many functions such as chewing, swallowing, and speech. Having a healthy tongue is necessary because various diseases become visible through it.

We must take into account the color, shape and texture of the tongue because variations of it may indicate some pathology. When washing your mouth, do not forget to also use the brush to clean the tongue.

We leave you this interesting video where it shows us the different colors that our language may have and the pathologies that may be happening to us.

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sábado, 25 de abril de 2020

Black hairy tongue: Why it happens?

Oral Medicine

A curious case was published by Dr. Yasir Harmad, in the New England Journal of Medicine.

The case was the presence of a 55-year-old woman who developed a black, hairy tongue after taking antibiotics for an infected wound.

This condition refers when the tongue papillae grow more than normal and turn black. In this condition the papillae can grow between 12 and 18 millimeters, when the usual size is 1 millimeter.

Oral Medicine

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Source / Image : Youtube/ TomoNews US