viernes, 8 de enero de 2021

Pain and anxiety management for pediatric dental procedures using various combinations of sedative drugs: A review

Pediatric Dentistry

During dental care we can find pediatric patients who experience fear and anxiety during the consultation. Behavior management techniques will help us control the behavior of these types of patients.

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In special cases it is necessary to use conscious sedation. This method is proven to help minimize the infant's anxiety and fear during the dental procedure.


The article that we share analyzes various aspects of the different types of drugs that are used for conscious sedation, their combinations, advantages and doses.

Pediatric Dentistry

° Gazal, Giath & Fareed, Wamiq & Zafar, Muhammad & Al Samadani, Khalid. (2015). Pain and anxiety management for pediatric dental procedures using various combinations of sedative drugs: A review. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal. 10.1016/j.jsps.2014.04.004.


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