Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Pediatric Dentistry. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Pediatric Dentistry. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, 3 de mayo de 2022

Pharmacological treatment of oral infections in pediatric dentistry - Recommendations and dose calculation


When the pediatric patient presents an oral infection, antibiotics should be administered with the objective of controlling the infection and avoiding serious consequences at a systematic level. The correct management of antibiotics is a challenge for many pediatric dentists.

In comparison, the metabolism of a drug in a child is different from that of an adult, so the administration of an antibiotic should be taking into account the diagnosis, age and weight of the pediatric patient.


The article that we share offers us a review of the proper use of antibiotics in pediatric dentistry, considerations that we must take into account when prescribing antibiotics, and recommendations to calculate the dose in pediatric dentistry.

Oral Medicine

👉 READ AND DOWNLOAD "Pharmacological treatment of oral infections in pediatric dentistry - Recommendations and dose calculation" IN FULL IN PDF👈

Monika Khoja, et al. Use or Misuse of Antibiotics in Pediatric Dentistry!!!. J Dental Sci 2019, 4(2): 000224.

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miércoles, 27 de abril de 2022

Pharmacological management of the behavior of the pediatric patient: Nitrous Oxide and General Anesthesia

Pediatric Dentistry

When pediatric patients attend their dental appointment, it can create a feeling of fear and stress that influences their behavior during the procedure. There are two types of behavior management: pharmacological and non-pharmacological.

When non-pharmacological behavior management techniques have been tried without results, we can use pharmacological methods: conscious sedation and general anesthesia.


We share two videos that teach us the use of nitrous oxide and general anesthesia as a method of pharmacological control in pediatric patients, touching on topics such as: indications, contraindications, dosage and recommendations.

Pediatric Dentistry

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Source: Youtube/ Dentistry Madeeasy

Source: Youtube/ Dentistry Madeeasy

lunes, 25 de abril de 2022

Syndromes of the First and Second Branchial Arches - Clinical and radiographic characteristics

Oral Medicine

The formation of the branchial arches can be altered, generating abnormalities that are evident in fistulas or cysts. Alterations in the first and second branchial arches compromise the eyes, nose, mouth, skull, neck, cervical spine, and hands.

For correct treatment, a diagnosis must be made based on the clinical finding and the results of imaging studies (computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging).


We share two articles that detail the clinical and radiographic characteristics of alterations of the first and second branchial arches.

Oral Medicine

👉 READ AND DOWNLOAD "Syndromes of the First and Second Branchial Arches, Part 1: Embryology and Characteristic Defects" IN FULL IN PDF👈

👉 READ AND DOWNLOAD "Syndromes of the First and Second Branchial Arches, Part 2: Syndromes" IN FULL IN PDF👈

Johnson JM, Moonis G, Green GE, Carmody R, Burbank HN. Syndromes of the first and second branchial arches, part 1: embryology and characteristic defects. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2011 Jan;32(1):14-9. doi: 10.3174/ajnr.A2072.

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ORAL REHABILITATION of a child with dentinogenesis imperfecta
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lunes, 18 de abril de 2022

Manual of diagnosis and pulp treatment in non-vital primary teeth


Non-vital teeth are those whose nerves lack vitality and there is no blood flow inside. This may be due to deep caries or dental trauma that irreversibly affects the dental pulp.

A correct history, clinical and radiographic evaluation is necessary in these cases to determine the appropriate treatment for these cases (dental extraction, pulpectomy, lesion sterilization tissue repair).


We share a guide that helps us identify the signs and symptoms of a non-vital tooth, and evaluates the pulp treatment options in non-vital primary teeth.

Pediatric Dentistry

👉 READ AND DOWNLOAD "Manual of diagnosis and pulp treatment in non-vital primary teeth" IN FULL IN PDF👈

Coll JA, Dhar V, Vargas K, et al. Use of Non-Vital Pulp Therapies in Primary Teeth. Pediatr Dent 2020;42(5):337-49.

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Mandibular tumors in pediatric patients. Report of 04 cases of aggressive tumors

lunes, 11 de abril de 2022

Dental Anesthesia: Overdose and Complications in Pediatric Patients

Dental Anesthesia

The use of dental anesthesia helps us control pain and anxiety in dental procedures in pediatric dentistry patients. The pediatric dentist must know the anesthesia application technique, the dose, the anatomical references, and the management of complications due to dental anesthesia.

Knowing the proper dose for the patient avoids the risk of overdose, and knowing the anatomical landmarks ensures correct application of the anesthetic solution.


We share an article that teaches us to anticipate cases of overdose due to dental anesthesia in pediatric patients, and the behavior that we must have in the face of complications that may arise in the dental office.

Dental Anesthesia

👉 READ AND DOWNLOAD "Dental Anesthesia: Overdose and Complications in Pediatric Patients" IN FULL IN PDF👈

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domingo, 10 de abril de 2022

How to handle medical emergencies in pediatric dentistry?

Dental Anesthesia

During dental practice, emergency events can occur that put the life of the pediatric patient at risk. The pediatric dentist must identify emergency manifestations and take immediate and effective action.

The possibility of a medical emergency can be anticipated and reduced by conducting an interview with the parents, medical interconsultation, and a correct anamnesis.


We share a video that teaches us what should be the immediate behavior that the pediatric dentist should have in the event of a medical emergency in a pediatric patient (syncope / asthma / anaphylaxis)

Dental Anesthesia

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Source: Youtube/ lectures dentist

viernes, 8 de abril de 2022

Mandibular tumors in pediatric patients. Report of 04 cases of aggressive tumors

Dental Anesthesia

There are several causes that give rise to a jaw tumor in a pediatric patient, so it is important for the professional to know the clinical characteristics of the lesion. Jaw tumors in children are not frequent, and cause a physical and psychological alteration of the patient.

In these cases, the use of images and a biopsy is necessary to determine the histopathology of the lesion and carry out an appropriate treatment plan.


We share 04 cases of aggressive mandibular tumors in pediatric patients, of different histopathological origin. The treatment and evolution of the patient are documented.

Oral Surgery

👉 READ AND DOWNLOAD "Mandibular tumors in pediatric patients. Report of 04 cases of aggressive tumors" IN FULL IN PDF👈

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