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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta OdontoVida. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, 15 de agosto de 2021

Can a tooth be extracted in diabetic patients?

Oral surgery

Diabetes is an endocrine disorder, which consists of an abnormality in the metabolism of glucose due to a deficiency of insulin. Oral health is affected by diabetes and manifests itself as severe inflammation of the gums in uncontrolled patients.

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The dentist must take all precautions when caring for a diabetic patient, especially when performing a tooth extraction. A complete interrogation on the health of the patient and a correct clinical evaluation must be carried out beforehand.

We share a video about tooth extraction for a diabetic patient, as well as the care that should be taken.

Tonsil Stones

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Souce: Youtube/ Doctors' Circle - World's Largest Health Platform

jueves, 5 de agosto de 2021

¿Cómo se aplica el Fluoruro diamino de plata? - Odontopediatría


El fluoruro diamino de plata presenta dos propiedades importantes: como agente anticariogénico y como agente desensibilizante. Es importante conocer como es la aplicación de este producto.

La aplicación del fluoruro diamino de plata es sencilla, y todo profesional odontológico debe conocer para hacerle frente a la caries dental.

Enlaces Patrocinados

Compartimos un vídeo que nos enseña como se debe aplicar el fluoruro diamino de plata en la consulta y los cuidados que debemos tener.


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Fuente: Youtube/ Ruth Nassi

sábado, 31 de julio de 2021

How to Treat Tonsil Stones

Tonsil Stones

Tonsil stones are calcifications of various sizes that are deposited on the tonsils. They are yellowish-white, with a bad smell and are made up of food debris and dead cells.

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The presence of the tonsil stone causes bad breath, and when they are large it causes discomfort when swallowing food.


We share an interesting video that explains what tonsil stones are and the best alternative to remove them from the tonsils.

Tonsil Stones

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Souce: Youtube/ Mayo Clinic

lunes, 12 de julio de 2021

¿Cuáles son las lesiones orales potencialmente malignas que debemos conocer?


En la mucosa bucal pueden aparecer varios tipos de lesiones, cada una de ellas con características particulares, pero es importante conocer cuales son aquellas lesiones que son potencialmente malignas y su manejo terapéutico.

Empecemos diciendo que la autoexploración y la visita continua al odontólogo es lo más indicado como medida preventiva, para tener un diagnostico certero y un tratamiento temprano.

Enlaces Patrocinados
Compartimos un interesante articulo que explica que significa ser una lesión potencialmente maligna, así como sus características, sintomatologías, y tratamiento.

Cirugía Bucal

👉 LEA Y DESCARGUE EL ARTÍCULO "Desordenes orales potencialmente malignos-Lo que el odontólogo debe conocer" AQUÍ 👈

Iparraguirre, Marcos Felipe, Fajardo, Ximena, Carneiro, Everdan, & Couto, Paulo Henrique. (2020). Desordenes orales potencialmente malignos-Lo que el odontólogo debe conocer. Revista Estomatológica Herediana, 30(3), 216-223.

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miércoles, 7 de julio de 2021

What are Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders?

Oral Medicine

Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders are known as lesions that appear in the oral cavity and present a danger of possible malignant neoplasms in the future. The incidence of this type of injury is increasing, and is related to external factors.

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Early detection is recommended in these cases, in this way we prevent neoplasms from developing and increase the possibility of successful treatment.


We share an interesting video from the Hack Dentistry channel that explains in detail what potentially malignant oral disorders are and what type of injuries to take into account.

Oral Medicine

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Source: Youtube/ Youtube PIDC

jueves, 1 de julio de 2021

05 diseases that manifest in the oral cavity

Oral Medicine

The oral cavity is the setting chosen for some diseases to manifest themselves, and this time 05 diseases that usually show early signs in the oral cavity will be addressed.

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Some of these diseases are leukemia, anemia and diabetes, among others. It is important to know what these signs are in order to identify and treat them in time.

Enlaces Patrocinados

We share an interesting video by Dr. Joseph Nemeth, who explains which are the 05 diseases that show early signs in the oral cavity.

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Source: Youtube/ Joseph R Nemeth DDS y asociados

lunes, 28 de junio de 2021

Why does pulpitis happen? - Symptoms and treatment


The tooth contains in its interior a soft tissue formed by the dental nerve and blood vessels, and its function is to provide vitality to the tooth. When the dental pulp becomes inflamed it is known as Pulpitis.

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Pulpitis presents a series of symptoms, the most significant being pain when chewing and in other cases spontaneous pain. Dental evaluation is necessary to determine treatment.


We share a video that explains what the symptoms of pulpitis are, as well as what its treatment and pathology are.


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Source: Youtube/ Ósmosis