Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Hall Technique. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Hall Technique. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, 16 de abril de 2023

Hall Technique Procedure Manual: Advantages, Disadvantages, Step-by-Step Procedure

Hall Technique

Caries is an infectious, multifactorial and most prevalent disease that affects the dental surface of the primary and permanent dentition. It is important to rehabilitate the affected teeth to avoid serious consequences in the development of the dentition.

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Article PDF 🔽 Hall technique: Complete information for the treatment of carious primary molars ... Steel crowns are used in pediatric dentistry when primary teeth are severely damaged by dental caries. They are usually placed after pulp treatment and in hypoplastic teeth.

The Hall technique is a safe and effective procedure that prevents the advance of dental caries in primary teeth. One of its great advantages is its low cost and little prior preparation.


We share a manual on the Hall technique, detailing step by step its preparation and the justification for its use in controlling dental caries in primary dentition.

📌 Read and download the article in PDF : Hall Technique Procedure Manual: Advantages, Disadvantages, Step-by-Step Procedure

The Hall Technique A minimal intervention, child centred approach to managing the carious primary molar. Text copyright Nicola Innes, Dafydd Evans, Matthew Stewart, Alex Keightley. University of Dundee. Edition 4: 01.07.15

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viernes, 31 de marzo de 2023

Hall Technique: Step-by-step crown placement technique


The Hall technique presents several advantages when it comes to the rehabilitation of primary molars that have been affected by extensive caries or fractures. The main advantage is that this technique is minimally invasive.

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Watch the video 🔽 Stainless Steel Crowns: Adaptation and installation - Step by step ... Steel crowns are the most used for their easy adaptation, installation and low cost. Currently, the Hall technique is used, which simplifies the procedure for installing metal crowns.

Unlike the traditional technique, the Hall technique does not require anesthesia or cavity preparation. This makes the pediatric patient reduce anxiety and stress.


We share a video that teaches us the Hall technique and the step-by-step procedure for placing the crown in the dental office.

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Hall Technique for Stainless Steel Crown in 3 easy steps
The Hall Technique: Manual for the management of primary molar caries
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📌 Watch the video "Dental Hall Crown Placement Technique"

Youtube/ Leeds School of Dentistry

lunes, 8 de agosto de 2022

Indications for Hall technique usage in pediatric dentistry

Hall technique

Steel crowns in pediatric dentistry are used when the dental tissue is seriously affected by advanced caries or dental trauma. The procedure is simple and inexpensive, making it an excellent restoration option.

The Hall technique is a minimally invasive technique that controls the progression of caries, making it a much simpler procedure with less preparation.


We share a complete article on the indications and benefits of using steel crowns and the hall technique in pediatric dentistry.

Hall Technique

👉 READ AND DOWNLOAD "Indications for Hall technique usage in pediatric dentistry" IN FULL IN PDF👈

Milena Todorova Georgieva. Indications for use of preformed crowns in pediatric dentistry. MedInform ISSUE 2, 2016.

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domingo, 19 de junio de 2022

Stainless Steel Crowns: Adaptation and installation - Step by step

Hall Technique

Steel crowns in pediatric dentistry are a method of restoring primary teeth that are severely affected by caries or dental trauma, in this way natural exfoliation is expected.

Steel crowns are the most used for their easy adaptation, installation and low cost. Currently, the Hall technique is used, which simplifies the procedure for installing metal crowns.


The video that we share teaches us everything related to steel crowns, advantages, disadvantages, and how to select the appropriate crown. It also teaches us the step-by-step adaptation and installation of steel crowns in pediatric dentistry.

Hall technique

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Source: Youtube/ Pediatric Dentistry Simplified

lunes, 13 de junio de 2022

Modified Hall technique in hypomineralized molar

Space Maintainers

Enamel hypomineralization is a developmental defect, it does not have a defined cause although it is related to systemic or environmental alterations during the first three years of life.

Molars with hypomineralized enamel are susceptible to erosion and caries. The rehabilitation of the molars is necessary to avoid early tooth loss, and in this case a steel crown was placed with the modified Hall technique.


We share the management of severely hypomineralized molars using the modified Hall technique, indicating its advantages, objectives and the step-by-step process.

Hall Technique

👇 READ AND DOWNLOAD THE ARTICLE "Modified Hall technique in hypomineralized molar" IN PDF 👇

Quintero Y, Leite de Farias A, Restrepo M, Santos-Pinto L. Modified Hall technique for severely hypomineralized molars. Report of cases. Rev. CES Odont 2021; 34(1): 118-124

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Hall Technique for Stainless Steel Crown in 3 easy steps
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miércoles, 1 de junio de 2022

Hall technique: Complete information for the treatment of carious primary molars

Hall Technique

Caries is an infectious process that seriously affects dental enamel, and when it is not treated in time, it endangers the permanence of the tooth in the oral cavity.

Steel crowns are used in pediatric dentistry when primary teeth are severely damaged by dental caries. They are usually placed after pulp treatment and in hypoplastic teeth.


The objective of the article is to provide adequate information on the Hall technique, indications, contraindications, disadvantages, and the cost-effectiveness of this procedure. A complete analysis of this rehabilitation technique for carious primary teeth.

Hall Technique

👇 READ AND DOWNLOAD THE ARTICLE "Hall technique: Complete information for the treatment of carious primary molars" IN PDF 👇

Altoukhi DH, El-Housseiny AA. Hall Technique for Carious Primary Molars: A Review of the Literature. Dent J (Basel). 2020 Jan 17;8(1):11. doi: 10.3390/dj8010011. PMID: 31963463; PMCID: PMC7148518.

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The Hall Technique: Manual for the management of primary molar caries
Preparation of stainless steel crown for the rehabilitation of primary molars
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miércoles, 2 de febrero de 2022

Hall Technique: A Comprehensive Review of the Procedure

Hall Technique

The pediatric dentist has several alternatives to rehabilitate primary teeth that have caries, such as: dental resins, amalgams, ionomers and steel crowns.

The Hall technique is a novel alternative to deal with caries in primary teeth through the use of preformed steel crowns and without the use of anesthesia.


We share a complete article that reviews the procedure of the Hall technique, and a summary of the indications, against indications, advantages and disadvantages of this technique.


👉 READ AND DOWNLOAD "Hall Technique: A Comprehensive Review of the Procedure" IN FULL IN PDF👈

(2021). Hall Technique: A Clinical Review. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 7(11), 8333-8337.

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The Hall Technique: Manual for the management of primary molar caries
Preparation of stainless steel crown for the rehabilitation of primary molars
Preformed crowns for decayed primary molar teeth (Review)